Happiness is Tut’s Notes From the Universe!

I can’t believe I forgot about these!

I know I said I’d post pictures about the house reno, and I will this weekend, but I just had to drop a note about this crazy amazing service. Mike Dooley, in his “Notes From the Universe” emails (which are very short, very inspirational, and you can pick how many you want to receive in your inbox) are personalized messages that The Universe sends to you whenever you want them. They’re all about loving where you are right now, and having hope for your goals and dreams and future.

So many of us with a medical condition we get to confront daily FORGET that the most important thing is to feel good about ourselves, no matter what our struggles are. We can’t heal if we spend every moment feeling horrible.

So here’s The Universe with a “pick-me-up” for you all!


Check out the site, subscribe to the Notes, and have a fabulous day!

PS Last blog I christened myself “Ms. Adventure” and today I noticed my first email was from “Tut’s Adventurers Club.” Coincidence? I think not!

Great Reaction to MS Diagnosis – “Oh Thank God!”

The effects of Multiple Sclerosis touch daily activities, care givers and intimacy with spouse from Brokers Alliance on Vimeo.

The first signs of Multiple Sclerosis: dizziness, blurred or double vision –No family history-MS is not a death sentence.

This is a video of a radio interview with Susan Kelly, an RN who has MS and volunteers with the National MS Society, with some great stuff coming out. They talk about how a diagnosis of MS is definitely preferable to a brain tumor, how to “manage your energy bank,” and how she and her family manages her MS. She keeps a very positive and humorous attitude and it’s really awesome to hear!

Diet and MS – a Different Perspective

Just so you’re all aware, this video is a complete lecture so it’s just over an hour long. It’s very interesting and the speaker is quite engaging, though! He has some very different ideas, and I don’t agree with all of them, but it is entertaining to listen to him.

Diet and Multiple Sclerosis from John McDougall on Vimeo.

Dr. John McDougall talks about the importance of diet and the effects it has on Multiple Sclerosis.

I’m honestly not sure what I think of his ideas, but he’s obviously done a lot more research than I have. In my video about my MS treatment I mention that eliminating complex carbs from my diet has seemed to increase my energy levels, yet here’s a doctor encouraging people to eat a starch based diet.

So what do you think? Do you have any opinions or experiments you’ve done with you own diet that has seemed to have some kind of effect on your disease, whether good or bad? Please share your experiences by commenting below!

If you are at all interested, here is a link to “The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book” by Dr. Swank, the doctor that Dr. McDougall (the lecturer) called “his personal hero” and features as a video in his presentation.